Last night around 10 pm Clark came into my office where I've been stationed for the past eternity prepping for next week's final jewelry showdown in my hometown. (I've been thinking I need to hang a sign over my desk that says, "Welcome To The Pit" - but that's another post for another time.)
Anyway, he said simply, "Wanna see something really cool?"
Um... yeah!
So he marched me out our front door and showed me this...
For those of you who care.... this was shot with my 50mm lens at 1/60 sec, f/4.0, 800 ISO and used a flash.
And yes, I took 76 pictures of it hoping to get something respectable. I'm on the bottom end of the learning curve when it comes to taking pictures in the dark. As in, I'm in the "every blind squirrel finds a nut" camp at the moment. I think I just need to add the words "natural light" to the word photographer on my business card and hopefully I can ride that out awhile.
At any rate,this thing was magnificent. And the spider was HUGE and orange and very scary, but the web was so beautiful and perfect, I got as close as I dared despite my fears. I just kept thinking... this masterpiece is not only nearly free floating in the middle of the yard (yes it was attached at the top to a long branch on the pear tree behind it... but the bottom was attached to the ground in several places and I was looking up at it) but it's only probably been here for two hours or so. It amazed me that something so complicated could be created in such a short time frame.
It was just too cool not to share. I hope it's still there when I wake up so I can show Macho that Charlotte came for a visit. He'll totally dig it.
And to think - I was going to bore you with details of my proposed Friday night of packing for my week at home and the fact that the season 10 premiere (the final season I might add, SNIFF) of Smallville will be on at 8pm EST on the CW. I'll be tuning in during all the multi-tasking.
I'll be sure and thank Charlotte on behalf of all of you if I see her again in the morning for saving you from that hellatious post.