The Biz


  • To my little corner of the internet. I'm a lifestyle photographer and I call Maryland's Eastern Shore my home. It's Chesapeake Bay country out here and it's just lovely. Full of inspiration. I have a husband I call "Clark Kent" because he's my own personal superhero. And... he looks awesome in plaid flannel. Hot dang. I have two little boogers who keep me on my toes and a yellow four legged child that always keeps me company. I love scrapbooking, curling up to a good movie, and dark chocolate M&M's. Thanks for stopping by... I "heart" your comments.



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    Member since 12/2009

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    carmi pegher

    Miss you bunches. I am glad that you are doing well and I hope to get a chance to meet this little guy this summer. xoxoxox to all of you. - CP


    that is so sweet! i've been checking your blog religiously and the one day i don't check it...sure enough you post lol. i'm so happy to hear and see that things are good as good can be. i'm so excited for you!! and having another boy too!! can't wait to see the pics and hear all about him when you get around to it.

    heidi xoxo


    Cutest mini book ever, loving the pg mermaid

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