The Biz


  • To my little corner of the internet. I'm a lifestyle photographer and I call Maryland's Eastern Shore my home. It's Chesapeake Bay country out here and it's just lovely. Full of inspiration. I have a husband I call "Clark Kent" because he's my own personal superhero. And... he looks awesome in plaid flannel. Hot dang. I have two little boogers who keep me on my toes and a yellow four legged child that always keeps me company. I love scrapbooking, curling up to a good movie, and dark chocolate M&M's. Thanks for stopping by... I "heart" your comments.



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    Member since 12/2009

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    too funny!!! you could for surely see if there is a contest out there for diy projects and send it in. i know there are things like that in This Old House magazine all the time. i was on the edge of my seat watching!!! lol.

    Katie Pegher

    thats actually a great idea!

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