The Biz


  • To my little corner of the internet. I'm a lifestyle photographer and I call Maryland's Eastern Shore my home. It's Chesapeake Bay country out here and it's just lovely. Full of inspiration. I have a husband I call "Clark Kent" because he's my own personal superhero. And... he looks awesome in plaid flannel. Hot dang. I have two little boogers who keep me on my toes and a yellow four legged child that always keeps me company. I love scrapbooking, curling up to a good movie, and dark chocolate M&M's. Thanks for stopping by... I "heart" your comments.



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    Member since 12/2009

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    that. was totally cool. you are too lucky sistah. i bet you rocked it. thanks for sharin'. ; )


    Thanks for bringing us along on a VERY COOL journey. So proud of you!


    You look like a pro...I had my big break in Wedding Crashers and clearly my acting carrer went really far after that.

    Katie Pegher

    So fun! What scene were you in? The wedding?


    Hey hot stuff! My career took off after a short stint for KMart! Um, don't laugh. Congratulations on your great experience!

    Brooke Hepler

    How exciting! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    Katie Pegher

    beth - i have to hear the story sometime!!!


    Yea! Sounds like such a blast, and a great break from the kiddos. I hope we get to see the commercial, we have NDB here, so I imagine we're in their "target market".

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