The Biz


  • To my little corner of the internet. I'm a lifestyle photographer and I call Maryland's Eastern Shore my home. It's Chesapeake Bay country out here and it's just lovely. Full of inspiration. I have a husband I call "Clark Kent" because he's my own personal superhero. And... he looks awesome in plaid flannel. Hot dang. I have two little boogers who keep me on my toes and a yellow four legged child that always keeps me company. I love scrapbooking, curling up to a good movie, and dark chocolate M&M's. Thanks for stopping by... I "heart" your comments.



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    Member since 12/2009

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    My all time FAVORITE that you're featuring it! Sending this to my sister, Jill C.

    Jill Conlin

    I love Gazebo Room Greek, but have a hard time finding it in the NYC area. You've inspired me to look HARDER. thanks!


    Your instructions are confusing me....must be my age!! This is the best dressing ever - and I do have all three kinds in the pantry. I stock up when I'm in the central PA area!


    wooo hoooo! i LOVE this stuff and i am going to try like a crazy woman to get more than one bottle so here it goes...stacy s., jennifer l., beth w., amy b., tracy m. and patti w. WOOO HOOO!!! and don't think they haven't heard of your blog already sistah, i've personally shown it to most of them!! ; )


    Ok, I'll send a link to my sister and two friends. They are Aileen, Roberta (dollry) and Brenda (peskeypea)...fingers crossed!


    ok, tried to comment a minute ago and somehow the message got lost...I'll be sending a link to your blog to 3 people, my sister, Aileen O, my friend, Roberta (dollry), and another friend, Brenda (peskeypea). Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Brenda A.

    Just heard from Janet 'bout your blog. And I have to say I'll be looking for that dressing at my grocers. The salad sounds delish. Thanks for the recipe!


    OK, just rereading your instructions and here is my email if you happen to want to contact me (heehee)...
    [email protected]
    waiting anxiously in NJ...

    Rhonda McMahan

    I love this Dressing Debbie Burford brought me to your site....I am gonna try some of your recipes....yum!

    Katie Pegher

    Great to have you Rhonda!

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